How To Talk Like a Chinese Investor
Ride the roller coaster of China’s stock market with our guide to investor jargon and slang

How (Not) to Handle a PR Crisis in Chinese
A language guide to how Chinese celebrities and companies handle public relations crises...and often make them worse

Talk Like the Client Knows Best
The secret to business success in China may be to bombard clients with courtesy, politeness, and rose emojis

A Not-So-Modest Proposal: How to Pop the Ultimate Question to Your Loved One
Learn the best (and worst) ways to propose in Chinese

Talk Your Way Through a Chinese Wedding
Celebration of love or social obligation? Learn the language of Chinese weddings, from invitations to the ceremony itself

Behind the Wheel: Learn the Language of the Roads in China
From impatient instructors to common mistakes on the road, here’s a language guide to driving in China

The Secret Life of Chinese Pets
How to talk about (and to) your four-legged friends in Chinese

One BBQ Chicken With Milk, Please: Chinese Gamer Slang Today
How gamer slang has pervaded the speech of China’s Gen Z

Pretty Talks: Talk Like a Chinese Beauty Influencer
Considering a career as a beauty influencer? Talk like one first.