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Roman Kierst (小罗)
Roman Kierst is a staff writer and editor at The World of Chinese based in Beijing but much more at home in Chengdu, where his own China story first began as a high school exchange student in 2006. Likes to pick up a film camera occasionally to take pictures of (mostly) old places.
Creativity Meets Constraint: China’s Video Games Head to Overseas Markets
Chinese game developers hoping to dodge bureaucracy and make profits abroad still face problems with localization
Creativity Meets Constraint: China’s Video Games Head to Overseas Markets
Chinese game developers hoping to dodge bureaucracy and make profits abroad still face problems with localization
Will ChatGPT Really Kill the Chinese Translation Industry?
Four translators and interpreters talk about the impact new technologies like generative AI are having on their work and future career prospects
Why Are Chinese Websites Stuck in 2003?
And do people even care about websites in China’s mobile-centric society?
Welcome to China’s Most International Small Town
Despite being a small county-level city 300 kilometers from Shanghai, Yiwu has 10,000 foreign residents from over 100 countries
Barbe-Queue Forever: How Social Media Hype Changed Zibo
An online craze for Zibo’s barbecue has brought a deluge of tourists to the previously unheralded city, but does it change locals’ lives for better or worse?
Net Nostalgia: Remembering the Glory Days of China’s Internet Cafes
Some millennials still visit China’s internet cafes for a nostalgia hit, but that won’t be enough to sustain the “wangba” industry

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