Useful Chinese Idioms About Insects
As summer begins and cicadas start humming, learn some common insect-related “chengyu”

Choice Chengyu: Sayings About Spending for Singles Day
Idioms about money for spendthrifts and cheapskates this November 11 shopping festival

Choice Chengyu: Idioms Don’t Only Come in Fours
The Chinese ‘chengyu’ that aren’t four characters long

Parallel Idioms that Cross Language Barriers
English and Chinese sayings that are almost exactly equivalent

Book-lovers in Ancient Times
Stories and idioms about seven people who overcame challenging obstacles to read

Choice Chengyu: Elephantine Phrases
Learn essential idioms about elephants from Chinese history

Choice Chengyu: In Praise of Youth (Mostly)
Discover popular sayings about youth through these Chinese idioms and proverbs to use when (mostly) praising the younger generation.

How to live a happy life according to Chinese idioms
Chinese idioms that teach us how to be happy